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What is the stock symbol of Hexcel and the CUSIP and ISIN numbers?

Hexcel common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol HXL.
The CUSIP number for Hexcel common shares is 428291.
The ISIN number for Hexcel common shares is US4282911084

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When is the Hexcel Annual Shareholder Meeting?

Hexcel holds its Annual Meeting of Shareholders in May. Stockholders are informed of the date, time and location by the Notice & Proxy that is distributed in advance of the Meeting and a notice is placed on the Investor Relations section of the Company website.

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Can I buy stock directly from Hexcel or do I have to use a broker?

Stock cannot be purchased directly from Hexcel at this time as the Company does not have a direct stock purchase plan.

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Does Hexcel pay a dividend on its common stock?

The Hexcel Board of Directors considers dividend action quarterly. Dividends are announced via the issuance of a news release. Please see the Dividends page for a history of dividend payments.

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Does Hexcel offer a Dividend Reinvestment plan?

Hexcel offers a Dividend Reinvestment plan to existing shareholders that reinvests cash dividends in additional shares or partial shares of HXL common stock. Our plan is administered by our transfer agent, Equinity Trust Company. To obtain more information or to enroll in the direct deposit of your dividends, please contact Equinity Trust Company directly at +1 (800) 937-5449 or via email at

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How can I find historical stock prices of Hexcel?

Click here for price look-up.

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Who is Hexcel’s transfer agent and how do I contact them?

Hexcel’s Transfer Agent, Equiniti Trust Company, maintains a telephone response center to service registered shareholder accounts. Registered owners may contact the center to inquire about address changes, stock transfers and other account matters.
Contact information:
Equiniti Trust Company
Operations Center
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Phone: (800)-937-5449

If you own shares through a brokerage firm, you need to contact the brokerage firm directly for all inquiries.

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How do I contact Investor Relations?

Kurt Goddard, Vice President Investor Relations
281 Tresser Boulevard
Stamford, CT 06901-3261

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